SaveAs international writing competition 2024
Maggie Harris birthday poetry event Kent Oct 24
Christopher Horton Spoken Word_SaveAs_poetry-event_July 14
SaveAs writing workshop June 17 2024
SAW & DHW PRESENT, OPEN WIDE, 09.06.24 (1)
Monday SaveAs writing group_May 24
Sarah Solway May 12 24_Banner
Christina Lloyd SpokenWord-14.04.24
SaveAs Writers Group Monthly Workshop March 24
SaveAs Spoken Word Nancy Charley 10 March
SaveAs Spoken Word Sunday Mary Ann sellen event

Current / Future Events & Competitions

SaveAs International Writing Competition 2024: RISKING ALL
Deadline 31 August 2024

More details

Birthday Celebration for Poet Maggie Harris

17 October 2024

More details

Past Events & Competitions

Spoken Word Sunday: Poet, Chris Horton
Sunday 14 July 2024
More details

Spoken Word Sunday: Open Wide!
Sunday 9 June 2024
More details

Canterbury Festival Poet of the Year Competition 2024

Deadline 7 June 2024

More details

Sunday 12th May 2024

Poet: Sarah Solway, Spoken Word

More details

Sunday 14th April 2024

Christina Lloyd, Spoken Word

More details

Sunday 10th March 2024

Nancy Charley, Spoken Word

More details

 Forthcoming ....

SaveAs Writers' Group Workshops 2024

SaveAs Book Publications

Pictured here are some of the lovely covers of books published by the SaveAs writers – they include anthologies, volumes of poetry, short stories and works of individual fiction by members of our Kent-based writing group.

Support our local authors and buy a copy for yourself to read or as a gift!

More details about our publications...

"Not sure if you remember sending out info on this comp, looky who won a slot, and shortlisted for another entry of mine. Was a little like I had won an Oscar when I read the email, as you know, I've been writing for only a year and was so surprised."

Deborah Gasking

Winner with 'Coffee' and also shortlisted in the BIBLIOPHONE 1000 Words Heard Competition